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Generating Algebraic Structures with Isabelle


If you’re looking for a reproducible example for AITP 2021 paper, find it here.


The project is inactive.

This package serves for generating and validating examples of different algebraic structures using Isabelle proof assistant.


Make sure that an installation of Isabelle is on the $PATH

How to Install

The best way to install residuated-binars is to use pip:

pip install residuated-binars

Alternatively, one can use Docker:

docker build -t residuated-binars https://github.com/inpefess/residuated-binars.git
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 residuated-binars jupyter-lab --ip= --port=8888 --no-browser

Finally, one can run it on Binder

How to Use

See examples/residuated-binars-example.ipynb.

Indices and tables